About Shell CO2 Trading
Shell is a global leader in emissions trading with over thirteen years of experience in the European Emissions Trading Scheme as well as in markets around the world.
Our CO2 Trading Network

Our Expertise and Leadership
- We have over thirteen years of trading experience in the Emissions markets.
- We trade in the European Emissions Trading Scheme, New Zealand Emissions Scheme, California Emissions Scheme, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and now in the Shanghai and Guangdong pilot markets.
- First company to trade European Union Allowances in 2003.
- First company to take delivery of Certified Emissions Reductions (CER’s).
Our Market Access
- We offer a wide and comprehensive range of products and solutions, from simple spot deals to tailored structured risk management products.
Our Core Strengths
- Globally we manage the compliance of our own entities so we have a deep understanding of the CO2 costs and impact on companies.
- Shell is a trading partner and marketer with a strong credit rating.
More in Business customers
Why Choose Shell Energy (China) Limited
The CO2 products and solutions we can offer Chinese compliance entities and market investors.
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